It's Royal Tea Time

When it comes to improving your health, whether it be a major illness, wanting to lose weight or just wanting to feel your best, the first thing you need to do is to DETOX!!

As well as balance your pH levels.

Disease and illnesses cannot thrive in a perfectly pH balanced system.

Getting your body to a point where it can start repairing and rebuilding. You must clean your "house" before you can optimize your health.


Simply by drinking each day, patients have successfully used Holy Tea to help:
  • Helps flush your system of excess and toxins to help with weight loss
  • Enjoy life more with increased Energy
  • Restore mental clarity and improve memory diminished by too many toxins in the blood
  • Colon, Liver, Lung and Kidney Natural Cleansing
  • Improve digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Body Detox
  • Restore regularity and reduce auto-intoxification
  • Improve constipation, hard stools
  • Relieve digestive ailments and irritated bowels
  • Improve clear skin conditions and body odor caused by internal toxins being excreted through sweat glands
  • Improves skin helping to keep it healthy, soft, and younger-looking
When taking this great colon cleansing tea the objective is to regulate your bowel movements to two or three each day in order to keep the toxic waste flowing and not sitting in your digestive system for long. Delaying the passing of toxic fecal matter may lead to numerous health conditions caused by auto-intoxification (i.e. absorbing toxins, self-poisoning).